Sisterhood at Temple Beth Ahm
Sisterhood at Temple Beth Ahm offers diverse programs and services to many age groups with varied interests. We are constantly looking for new program ideas for our members. Some of our members have been active for many years and others joined only recently. As women, we all have stories to share. Join us this year and discover how your involvement will add to our Sisterhood.
Passover Recipes
SCRIP Program
Temple Beth Ahm and Sisterhood are partnering on an additional SCRIP program. SCRIP is a fundraising program that sells gift cards from national and local retailers. The retailers will pay TBA and Sisterhood a percentage of each card purchased. These are the same gift cards you would purchase at the store.
You can help us earn money without spending any additional money . All you need to do is to spend your regular shopping dollars to purchase scrip. Scrip can be used to purchase many household purchases including food, clothing, health and beauty aids, gas, travel and entertainment. Also consider scrip for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
SCRIP will enable Temple Beth Ahm and Sisterhood to maintain the high level of programming that our congregation has come to expect.
To order scrip, please use the attached order form. This is just a sample of over 500 merchants. To write in any additional items, go to Make your check payable to Sisterhood Temple Beth Ahm. Mail your order form and check to Temple Beth Ahm Attention: Scrip. 550 Lloyd Rd. Aberdeen, NJ 07747. For questions, please contact Sindy at
We are looking into the Scrip NOW program listed on website. This will allow each family that would like to maintain an account online the ability for faster ordering and to pay with an electronic check. This will be an option in addition to the regular ordering ( filling out a form and mailing in a check with your order)
Sisterhood will still continue our Shoprite and Stop- n- Shop scrip program. We keep these gift cards in inventory and to order these you can contact Amy Naphtali at or Hester Skolnik at
Sun, February 23 2025
25 Shevat 5785
550 Lloyd Road
Aberdeen, NJ 07747
(732) 583-1700
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Today's Calendar
Sunday morning minyan - TBA & Zoom : 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 1:00pm |
: 4:00pm |
Evening Minyan : 8:15pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 23 |
Feb 23 |
Feb 25 |
Feb 27 Zeller Family Baking Thursday, Feb 27 3:00pm |
Feb 27 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Terumah
Shabbat, Mar 1 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 28, 5:29pm |
End of Shabbat
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 1, 6:29pm |
Rosh Chodesh Adar
Friday, Feb 28 |
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